
11月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

BR3 : The Last Leaf and Other Stories

Look at the last leaf on the vine. It's still there. (p.31 )  This book has five stories and "The last leaf" is my favorite story. I had read this book which is written in Japanese and I thought I wanted to read in English, this is why I chose this. There is a girl in the bet, she became ill. She always looked at a tree outside. Then she said, the last leaf will fall soon and I will die. So a kindness man painted leaves on the wall for her. The leaves never fall. I was moved when I finished reading this. If I were her friend, what I say or do for her. I want to be kind to people like the man. Henry, O. (2005) The Last Leaf and Other Stories. Macmillan Heinemann ELT