
1月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR7 : A picture to Remember

This is mystery. A woman of the main character saw robberies in a town. However she had a car accident and lost the memory. On the other hand, the robberies worry about her, she may talk about their robbery in the police. So they plan to murder her. She could regain the memory at end of the story and robbery was caught. This is very easy to understand the story. I recommend this book if you like mystery.

BR9: American Life

American with gun say bthat the goverment can not take their guns- not without a fight! (p.14) The reason why I chose this book is I'm interested in America. There are lot of people, cities and their lifes. So I understood American life through this book. For example, the history of American baseball, Hollywood and so on. However I don't agree with guns. Many people have gun include children. I think it is dangerous for children to use gun.